Journal directory listing - Volume 60 (2015) - Journal of Research in Education Sciences【60(2)】June
Effective Chinese Reading Comprehension Strategy: Best-Evidence Synthesis of Taiwanese Empirical Studies
Author: Jin-Chang Hsieh(Research Center for Testing and Assessment, National Academy for Educational Research)
Vol.&No.:Vol. 60, No. 2
Date:June 2015
The adoption of evidence-based education has increased noticeably among Taiwanese practitioners and researchers. However, several accompanying concerns, such as the reliability and source of evidence, remain controversial. This study proposes an effective Chinese reading comprehension strategy from the perspective of best-evidence synthesis.
After a few keywords were used to search Taiwanese bibliographic databases, 57 articles were coded and synthesized on the basis of inclusion and exclusion criteria. The results show that nearly all of the comprehension strategies were effective, including self-questioning, question and answering, story grammar, graphic organizer creation, summarizing, and reciprocal instruction. The highest average effect size was +0.58 for summary writing, and the lowest average effect size was +0.35 for self-questioning. Finally, some suggestions and implications are proposed for future studies.
Keywords:text structure, reciprocal instruction, research synthesis, questioning, summarizing
《Full Text》
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