Journal directory listing - Volume 64 (2019) - Journal of Research in Education Sciences【64(4)】December

Synthesis of Quantitative Research on Chinese Reading Comprehension Instruction: Analysis of Moderating Effects
Author: Jin-Chang Hsieh (Research Center for Testing and Assessment, National Academy for Educational Research)

Vol.&No.:Vol. 64, No.4
Date:December 2019

Effective instructions for reading comprehension have been studied over the past few decades, and synthesis of quantitative research has also been conducted on such instructions to analyze their effect considering cumulative findings across relevant empirical studies. However, due to the limited number of included studies, more research into moderating effects is required. This study conducted a meta-analysis of the moderating effects of characteristics of instructional intervention, participants, and methodologies. A systematic literature review was undertaken to identify and collect relevant studies. General keywords were searched for in a Taiwanese literature database. A total of 880 Chinese reading-related articles were retrieved, and 173 articles were formally included on the basis of five inclusion and exclusion criteria. After the meta-analysis, an overall average effect size of +0.43 and +0.39 was obtained separately for immediate and follow-up effects. In the analysis of moderating effects, the findings indicated a significantly low average effect size for repeated reading instruction but a large average effect size for the use of a prediction strategy or research-developed measurement tool, struggling or middle-school-aged participants, and studies with poor experimental design or failure to meet relevant standards. Finally, some suggestions and implications are given for future research.

Keywords:Chinese reading comprehension, meta-analysis, moderator analysis, quality assessment of primary research, quantitative research synthesis

《Full Text》 檔名

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APA FormatHsieh, J.-C. (2019). Synthesis of quantitative research on Chinese reading comprehension instruction: Analysis of moderating effects. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 64(4), 175-206. doi: 10.6209/JORIES.201909_64(4).0007