Journal directory listing - Volume 42 (1997/October) - Education【42】
A study on effectiveness of different types of self-directed Learning in Knowledge of hypertension
Author: Jeng Huey-Mei (Department of Health Education, National Taiwan Normal University)
Vol.&No.:Vol. 42 (New Version)
Date:October 1997
The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of two types self-directed learning. The quasi-experimentation design was used in this research. The results were: 1. The effectiveness of self-directed learning approach were good. (1) The immediately effect, short-term effect and long-term effect in hypertension knowledge were significant. (2) The immediately effect, short-term effect and long-term effect in self-directed learning readiness towards hypertension were significant. 2. The two types of self-directed learning approach had the same effectiveness in hypertension knowledge in immediately effect and short-term effect. 3. The long-term effect in hypertension knowledge change was more obvious in small group self-directed learning approach than collective self-directed learning approach.
Keywords:adult, health education, self-directed learning, quasi-experimentation
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