Journal directory listing - Volume 48 Number 1 (2003) - Education【48(1)】April
A Study on the Development of the Study of History of Education in Taiwan (1949-2002)
Author: Yu-wen Chou(Department of Education, National Taiwan Normal University)
Vol.&No.:Vol. 48, No. 1
Date:April 2003
The main purpose of this paper is to inquire the development of the Study of History of Education in Taiwan in the past fifty years by quantitative approach.
The main findings are as follows:
1. As to the sum of the publication, there were at least 1017 articles, books master theses and doctoral dissertations being published.
2. As to the field of study, the sum of publication of History of Chinese Education were most, and next were that of History of Western Education
3. As to the research theme, the sum of the topics about 'great thinkers and their thoughts' was most, and next were 'institutions and policies'.
4. As to the form of publication, the number of article was most, and next was thesis.
5. As to the time of publication, the sum of the publication during the period of 1981-1990 were most, and after that the numbers decreased, but it has risen again recently.
6. As to the research period, Chinese education focused on ancient history, especially War Time (770-205 B.C.) and Sung, while western education focused on the modern and contemporary history.
Some suggestions as to educational historians, area, topic and methodology are made for further study
Keywords:historiogrphy of education, history of Chinese education, history of western education, history of education in Taiwan
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