Journal directory listing - Volume 65 (2020) - Journal of NTNU【65(1)】March (Special Issue: Imagination and Culture Translation of Ghost)

Exploring Posthumous Marriage and Relationships between the Living and Dead in Modern and Contemporary Taiwan
Author: Ho-Chun Lin(Department of Chinese Literature, National Chiayi University, Project Assistant Professor)

Vol.&No.:Vol.65 , No.1
Date:March 2020


Various records exist of posthumous marriages in ancient China; some are of marriages between the living and the dead and others are of those between two deceased people. The practice of posthumous marriage has existed in Taiwan since the Qing period, and it continues to be practiced and documented by people today. However, the manner in which it is practiced and how it is perceived by people in contemporary Taiwan have changed. This paper begins with a discussion of the origin of posthumous marriage and records of it throughout the course of history, from the Qian Dynasty to 20th century Taiwan. Then, documents of posthumous marriage in 21st century Taiwan are investigated to examine the relationship between the living and the dead in these narratives and to discuss how the public perceives this social practice. This paper reveals that the purpose of posthumous marriage is either to compensate for the untimely death of a woman in the traditional family system or to establish a larger social network by building a marital relationship between two families. Finally, this paper addresses how people have revalued the significance of posthumous marriage in contemporary Taiwan and discusses the transformation of values regarding posthumous marriage today.

Keywords:Go-Nuy, relative-in-law, posthumous marriage, marriage with a spirit tablet, contemporary Taiwan

《Full Text》 檔名

  1. 漢‧鄭玄注,唐‧賈公彥疏,清‧阮元校定,《周禮注疏》,收入《重刊宋本十三經注疏本附校勘記》(影印清嘉慶二十年江西南昌府學刊本)(臺北市:藝文印書館,1955)。
  2. 晉‧陳壽,《三國志》,收入,《二十四史》(《四部叢刊本》),第8冊,王雲五(主編)(臺北市:臺灣商務印書館,1967)。
  3. 後晉‧劉昫,《舊唐書》,收入《文津閣四庫全書》(影印武英殿本),第266冊(北京市:商務印書館,2006)。
  4. 宋‧康與之,《昨夢錄》(臺北市:藝文印書館,1966)。
  5. 清‧梁紹壬,《兩般秋雨盦隨筆》,收入《續修四庫全書》,影印清道光十七年汪氏振綺堂刻本,第1263冊(上海市:上海古籍出版社,1995)。
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APA FormatLin, H.-C. (2020). Exploring Posthumous Marriage and Relationships between the Living and Dead in Modern and Contemporary Taiwan. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University, 65(1), 51-72,
Chicago FormatLin, Ho-Chun. “Exploring Posthumous Marriage and Relationships between the Living and Dead in Modern and Contemporary Taiwan.” Journal of National Taiwan Normal University 65, no. 1 (2020): 51-72.