Journal directory listing - Volume 21-30 (1976-1985) - Volume 28 (1983)

A Study of Secondary Education in West Germany and France
Author: Wen-chyuan Hsieh(Department of Education College of Education)


The purpose of this study is to find the common characteristics and trends of secondary education in west Germany and France, which may serve as valuable reference for the solution to the problems confronted by secondary education in our country.
The present study focuses on the following five aspects of secondary educa-tion in these two countries:
1.The secondary school system.
2.The secondary school curriculum
3.The secondary school administration.
4.The admission procedures for the secondary schools.
5.The procedures for admitting the secondary school graduates to colleges and universities.
The paper is divided into four sections:
Section I defines the objectives, scope, and method of this study.
Section II discusses the school system, curriculum, administration, and admission procedures of the secondary schools in West Germany.
Section III deals with the school system, curriculum, administration, and admission procedures of the secondary schools in France.
Section IV compares the above mentioned five aspects of secondary educa-tion in West Germany with those in France, and points out the Common trends of secondary education in these two countries.

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